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Tag: DynamoDB

Storing sensitive data in AWS with credstash, DynamoDB and KMS.

One of the most important problems of modern cloud infrastructure is security. You can put a lot of efforts to automate the build process of your infrastructure, but it is worthless if you don’t deal with sensitive data appropriately and sooner or later it could become a pain.

Most of the big organisations will probably spend some time to implement and support HashiCorp Vault, or something similar, which is more ‘enterprisy’.
In most cases though something simple, yet secure and reliable could be just sufficient, especially if you follow YAGNI.

Today I will demonstrate how to use a tool called credstash, which leverages two AWS services for it’s functionality: DynamoDB and KMS. It uses DynamoDB as key/value store to encrypt and save the secrets with KMS master key and encryption context, and everyone who has access to same master key and encryption context can then decrypt the secret and read it.

From user perspective, you don’t need to deal with neither DynamoDB nor KMS. All you do is store and read your secrets using key/value and context as arguments to the credstash.

So let’s go straight to terraform code which we will use to provision DynamoDB and KMS key

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