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Category: SonarQube

Dockerizing Jenkins 2, Part 1: Declarative Build Pipeline With SonarQube Analysis


In this part I am going to demonstrate:
  • Running Jenkins on Docker
  • Automation of Jenkins plugin installation on Docker
  • Configuring java and maven tools on Jenkins, first manually and then via the groovy scripts
  • Automating the above step with Docker
  • Running Sonarqube on Docker
  • Setting up java maven pipeline with unit test, test coverage and sonarqube analysis steps.
Next time, in part 2(WIP), I am going to demonstrate everything you need for deployment:
  • How to run Artifactory repository on Docker
  • How to configure POM file for deployment
  • How to configure maven settings for deployment
  • Using maven deployment plugin
  • Setting up, configuring and Dockerizing couple Jenkins plugins for keeping deployment credentials in safe place, apply maven setting file in the job

This is a practical example, so be ready to get your hands dirty. You can either follow this step by step guide, which would be really good for learning purposes and we will create everything from the scratch, or if you are lazy, just run the command bellow after reading for the demo:

git clone && cd jenkins_docker_pipeline_tutorial1 && ./

but by the end you should be able to run the pipeline on fully automated Jenkins Docker container.

As you may already know, with Jenkins 2 you can actually have your build pipeline right within your java project. So you can actually use your own maven java project in order to follow the steps in this article as long as it is hosted on a git repository.

Everything obviously will be running on Docker as it is the easiest way of deploying and running them.

So, let’s see how to run Jenkins on Docker

docker pull jenkins:2.60.1

While it is downloading in the background let’s see what we are going to do with it once it is done.

Default Jenkins comes quite naked and shows suggested plugins installation wizard. We will choose it, then we will capture all installed plugins and then automate this manual step in Docker image and will follow this simple rule throughout the all steps:

  1. manually​ setup
  2. programmatically
  3. automate with Docker

The image we are going to download is 600M so you can prepare yourself coffee and have couple sips before it is finished and I will take you through the steps we need to setup up build pipeline for java project. Let’s add them to the list and then look closer later:

  • Pull the code from scm
  • Configuration of java and maven
  • Running​ unit tests
  • Running​ static analysis
  • Sending report to Sonarqube for further processing
  • And finally deployment​ of the jar file to repository(will be covered in the next part soon)
  • Optionally we can also release it after each commit.

Once you have your image downloaded let’s  run the container:

docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm --name myjenkins jenkins:2.60.1

Please note I used a specific tag, I am not using latest tag, which is the default if you don’t specify one, as I don’t want anything to break in the future.

Also note we name the container so it is easier to refer to it later as otherwise docker will name it randomly and we added –-rm flag to delete container once we stop it, this will ensure we are running Jenkins in an immutable fashion and everything configured on the fly, and if we want to preserve any data we will do it explicitly.

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