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How to setup Kubernetes cluster on AWS with kops

Today I am going to show how to setup Kubernetes cluster on AWS using kops(k8s operations).

In order to provision k8s cluster and deploy a Docker container we will need to install and setup couple of things, so here is the list:

0. Setup a VM with CentOS Linux as a control center.
1. Install and configure AWS cli to manage AWS resources.
2. Install and configure kops to manage provisioning of k8s cluster and AWS resources required by k8s.
3. Create a hosted zone in AWS Route53 and setup ELB to access deployed container services.
4. Install and configure kubectl to manage containers on k8s.
5. (Update September 2018) Set up authentication in Kubernetes with AWS IAM Authenticator(heptio).
6. (Update June 2019) The advanced way: Automating Highly Available Kubernetes and external ETCD cluster setup with terraform and kubeadm on AWS..

0. Setup a VM with CentOS Linux

Even though I am using MacOS, sometimes it is annoying that you can’t run certain commands or some arguments are different, so let’s spin up a Linux VM first, I choose centos this time, you can go with ubuntu if you wish. Here is how Vagrantfile looks like:

➜  kops cat Vagrantfile
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|

  config.vm.define "kops" do |m| = "centos/7"
    m.vm.hostname = "kops"


Let’s start it up and logon:

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