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Tag: vault

Protecting personal secrets in vault with encryption

One of the issues when using personal secrets in vault is the admin/root user being able to access everything in vault, thus making usage of personal secret less secure.

In order to protect the personal secret from root/admin access we can however keep secret in an encrypted way, using private key, gpg, or just a password. Below is an example how to protect the secret with a password.

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Using hashicorp vault for personal secrets

Today I will show you how to use vault for your personal secrets. Normally you would auth and get access to some path in vault where everyone in your team have access too, but in some cases you may want to use vault for your own secrets as well, i.e for storing passphrase for the ssh private key or email or something similar.

So here is a list of commands that needs to be run, first as an admin to set up auth and policies, and then as a user, auth and read/write secrets.

Create a policy that allows actions under ones identity:

cat <<EOF | vault policy write identity -
path "secret/data/{{}}/*" {
	capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete"]
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Advanced Jenkins setup: Creating Jenkins configuration as code and setting up Kubernetes plugin

This blog post demonstrates how anything in Jenkins could be configured as a code through Java API using groovy code, and how changes could be applied right inside Jenkins job. I particularly will demo how to configure Kubernetes plugin and credentials, but the same concept could be used later to configure any Jenkins plugin you are interested in. We will also look at how to create custom config which could be used either for all
or only specific Jenkins instances so you can setup different instances differently based on security policy or any other criteria.

The Why…

Recently I have been working on a task to improve deployment of our master Jenkins instances on Kubernetes.
On of the requirements was to improve the speed, as we have more than 40 Jenkins masters running on different
environments like test, dev, pre-prod, perf, prod etc and deployed in Kubernetes over AWS cluster. The deployment job took around an hour, involved downtime and required multiple steps.

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Spinning up an EC2 with Terraform and Vault.

Today we will look at how to setup EC2 instance with Terraform.

  1. Set up Terraform
  2. Spin up EC2
  3. Externalise secrets and other resources with terraform variables.
  4. Set up Vault as secret repo

1. Set up Terraform

So first thing first, quick installation guide, visit , pick up right version and download:

➜  apps wget\?_ga\=2.1738614.654909398.1512400028-228831855.1511115744
--2017-12-04 15:16:06--
Resolving, 2a04:4e42:4::439
Connecting to||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 15750266 (15M) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘’ 100%[=================================================================================================>]  15.02M   499KB/s    in 30s

2017-12-04 15:16:36 (517 KB/s) - ‘’ saved [15750266/15750266]

Then unzip:

➜  apps unzip\?_ga=2.1738614.654909398.1512400028-228831855.1511115744
  inflating: terraform

Finally make sure location added to PATH:

➜  ~ export PATH=~/apps:$PATH

Check installation works:

➜  ~ terraform -v
Terraform v0.11.1

2. Spin up EC2

The plan is to spin up latest Ubuntu.

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