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Category: Artifactory

Dockerizing Jenkins 2, part 2: Deployment with maven and JFrog Artifactory

In the 1st part of this tutorial we looked at how to dockerize installation of the Jenkins plugins, java and maven tool setup in Jenkins 2 and created declarative build pipeline for maven project with test and SonarQube stages. In this part we will focus on deployment part.

Couldn’t we just simply add another stage for deployment in part 1, you may ask? Well, in fact deployment requires quite a few steps to be taken, including maven pom and settings file configuration, artifact repository availability, repository credentials encryption, etc. Let’s add them to the list and then implement step by step like we did in previous session.

  • Running JFrog Artifactory on Docker
  • Configuring maven pom file
  • Configuring maven settings file
  • Using Config File Provider Plugin for persistence of maven settings
  • Dockerizing the installation and configuration process

If you are already familiar with 1st part of this tutorial, created your project from the scratch and using your own repository, then you can just follow the steps as we go further, otherwise, if you are starting now, you can just clone/fork the work we did in the last example and then add changes as they follow in the tutorial:

git clone && cd jenkins_docker_pipeline_tutorial1 && ./

Please note all steps have been tested on MacOS Sierra and Docker version 17.05.0-ce and you should change them accordingly if you are using MS-DOS, FreeBSD etc 😉

The script above is going to take a while as it is downloading java 7, java 8, maven, sonarqube and jenkins docker images, so please be patient 🙂 Once done you should have Jenkins and Sonar up and running as we created in part 1:

If you got errors about some port being busy just use the free ports from your host, I explain this here. Otherwise you can use dynamic ports which is shown a bit later.

Chapter 1. Running JFrog Artifactory on Docker

So let’s look at the first step. Obviously if we want to test the deployment in our example, we need some place to deploy our artifacts to. We are going to use a limited open source version of JFrog Artifactory called “artifactory oss”. Let’s run it on Docker to see how easy it is to have your own artifact repo. The port 8081 on machine was busy, so I had to run it on 8082, you should do according to free ports available on your machine:

docker run --rm -p 8082:8081 --name artifactory

Alternatively you can use dynamic ports.

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